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lunes, 23 de junio de 2014


Well, VideoPad That was the last project we had to do for the subject of Computer Science, where we had just over a month to do it and go adjusting it as it was our first time with a video editing program.
In our first paper we test a little video with some pictures of the computer classroom, then the teacher sent us that we would make a video associated with the institute, news, gossip and interviews in pairs or groups of three.
My group did a sports-related video, divided into two parts, the first consisting of an interview with our PE teacher, Daniel, and the second hand, it was an interview, but in a different style, in this interview the champion climbing tournament 2014, where Alberto Diaz also could see a small demonstration of the tests he had to do to become a champion.

Computer security and viruses

Computer security or safety of information technology is the area of computer science that focuses on the protection of computer infrastructure and everything about this and especially the information or circulating. For this there are a number of standards, protocols, methods, rules, tools and laws designed to minimize potential risks to infrastructure or information. Computer security software includes (databases, metadata files), hardware and everything that the organization values ​​(active) and constitute a risk if confidential information reaches the hands of others.

The malware 
, is a type of software that aims to infiltrate or damage a computer system or information without the consent of the owner. The term malware is widely used by computer professionals to mean a variety of software hostile, intrusive or molesto.

A computer virus is a malware that aims to alter the normal functioning of the computer, without the permission or knowledge of the user. Viruses usually replaced by other infected executable code of this file. Viruses can destroy, intentionally, data stored on a computer, but there are other more harmless, which are characterized by only annoying.

Some of the actions of some viruses are:
• Joining a program installed on the computer allowing its spread.
• View the Messages screen or humorous images generally annoying.
• Slow down or lock your computer.
• Destroy the information stored on the disc, in some cases vital for the system, which will prevent the operation.
• Reduce disk space.
• Disturbing the user closing windows, moving the mouse ...


What is Prezi?
Prezi is a multimedia application for creating similar to windows Powert Point presentations.
The only differences are observed only an example of each, in the movements, turns, disorder and forms of Prezi, and equal basic sizes and Powert Point slides.
Prezi unlike other applications creations slide allows you to change the size, shape, thickness of lines, also the ability to insert all kinds of shapes, images and videos.

Social Network

Well. I'm going to explain the social network.
In the first plane, what is a social network?
A social network is an online communication platforms, a new way of representing a social structure.
What is its utility?
It depends on the social network, each has a different type of operation and a different style to create their social network but all attempts to achieve the communication between people or groups of people.
There are many different types of social networks, a charge basically the newest as "Instagram" dedicated to storing photos that are uploaded by each persons different profiles chat between people online, and even some for "his friends" the can view.

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014


A autofoto is a self-portrait with a camera, typically a digital camera or mobile phone. It is a practice closely associated with social networks, since it is common to upload this type of self-portraits to those platforms. It is a fad that takes a long time giving no, and after the sad death of Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama made ​​even more famous self-portrait since this was in the burial by becoming "selfies" with all staff who attended.

Gimp 3

Finally the third work Gimp arrived and was the most grace seemed to cause and you had to combine everything you know to do to human face on a fruit, it shall not be a simple piece of fruit and come alive, with eyes, nose, mouth, hair, accessories ... I think the hardest part was when the layers to combine all of it to be the same color and give more reality to face, but it's already done and I think it was good in general.

Gimp 2

The second workof Gimp that we had to do was on Don Juan Tenorio, the representation to be represented at our school soon. We had it on a background of Juanelo Turriano choice for us, cut, paste and adjust to make it look like he was doing a duel or a request for marriage in that scenario.


This year was the first time that I use a programme called "GIMP", it is a programme resembling "photoshop". The first work we had to do was a photo of ourselves that we had to cut and add in other place as if we had been here.

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Códigos QR

Un código QR es un módulo útil para almacenar información en una matriz de puntos o un código de barras bidimensional creado por la compañía japonesa Denso Wave, en 1994. Se caracteriza por los tres cuadrados que se encuentran en las esquinas y que permiten detectar la posición del código al lector. La sigla «QR» se deriva de la frase inglesa Quick Response (Respuesta Rápida), pues los creadores  tenían como objetivo que el código permitiera que su contenido se leyera a alta velocidad. Los códigos QR son muy comunes en Japón y de hecho son el código bidimensional más popular en ese país.

Aunque inicialmente se usó para registrar repuestos en el área de la fabricación de vehículos, hoy los códigos QR se usan para administración de inventarios en una gran variedad de industrias. La inclusión de software que lee códigos QR en teléfonos móviles, ha permitido nuevos usos orientados al consumidor, que se manifiestan en comodidades como el dejar de tener que introducir datos de forma manual en los teléfonos.
Los códigos QR también pueden leerse desde PC, smartphone o tableta mediante dispositivos de captura de imagen, como puede ser un escáner o la cámara de fotos, programas que lean los datos QR y una conexión a Internet para las direcciones web.
Un detalle importante sobre el código QR es que, a diferencia de otros formatos de códigos de barras bidimensionales como el BIDI, su código es abierto y sus derechos de patente  no son ejercidos.
El microcódigo QR es una versión más pequeña del estándar del código QR y está diseñado para aplicaciones que tengan una habilidad menor en el manejo de escaneos grandes. Hay diferentes versiones de micro código QR. La más grande de ellas puede contener hasta 35 caracteres.
Capacidad de datos del código QR
Solo numérico
Máx. 7.089 caracteres
Máx. 4.296 caracteres
Máx. 2.953 bytes
Máx. 1.817 caracteres

Capacidad de corrección de errores
Nivel L
7% de las claves se pueden restaurar
Nivel M
15% de las claves se pueden restaurar
Nivel Q
25% de las claves se pueden restaurar
Nivel H
50% de las claves se pueden restaurar
Actualmente, equipos de codificación y etiquetado que puedan imprimir estos códigos en la industria alimentaria son de la firma japonesa DIGI. El ejemplo siguiente ilustra la forma en que el código QR maneja la distorsión. En estos casos se agregaron o eliminaron píxeles del código original para examinar el nivel de distorsión de los bordes. Las dos imágenes a las que se les alteraron los datos todavía son reconocibles y usan el nivel "L" de corrección de errores.
Descripción: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ec/QRorg.png/120px-QRorg.png    Descripción: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/58/QRmax.png/120px-QRmax.png  Descripción: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/65/QRmin.png/120px-QRmin.png
Código original (correcto).   Datos agregados.        Datos borrados.    


All good, today in IT we did a test, for me and for all my class it was very easy and I think that we pass this test. :)